Introduction to Test Management

Test Management in Bugster SDK encompasses the processes and tools for organizing, executing, analyzing, and maintaining your automated test suite. Effective test management ensures that your tests remain relevant, efficient, and aligned with your application’s evolving needs.

Key Components of Test Management

1. Test Organization

Bugster SDK provides a flexible system for organizing your tests:

  • Test Suites: Group related tests together
  • Tags: Apply labels to tests for easy filtering and categorization
  • Priorities: Assign importance levels to tests
  • Custom Metadata: Add your own metadata to tests for organization

Example of test organization in Bugster SDK:

BugsterTracker.organizeTest('login-flow', {
  suite: 'Authentication',
  tags: ['critical', 'smoke-test'],
  priority: 'high',
  customMetadata: {
    owner: 'auth-team',
    lastReviewed: '2023-09-16'

2. Test Execution

Bugster SDK offers multiple ways to execute your tests:

  • On-demand Execution: Run tests manually through the Bugster Dashboard
  • Scheduled Execution: Set up recurring test runs
  • API-triggered Execution: Integrate test runs into your CI/CD pipeline
  • Parallel Execution: Run multiple tests simultaneously for faster results

Example of triggering a test run via API:

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" \
  -d '{"suites": ["Authentication", "Checkout"], "tags": ["critical"]}'

3. Test Results Analysis

Analyze test results to gain insights and identify issues:

  • Detailed Reports: View comprehensive reports for each test run
  • Trend Analysis: Track test performance over time
  • Failure Analysis: Quickly identify and diagnose test failures
  • Screenshot and Video Capture: Visualize test execution for easier debugging

4. Test Maintenance

Keep your test suite healthy and up-to-date:

  • Automatic Updates: Tests auto-update based on changes in user behavior
  • Manual Editing: Fine-tune tests in the Bugster Dashboard
  • Version Control: Track changes to tests over time
  • Deprecation Management: Identify and archive obsolete tests

The Test Management Workflow

  1. Capture and Generate: User interactions are captured and tests are generated (as covered in previous sections).

  2. Organize:

    • Group generated tests into logical suites
    • Apply tags and priorities
    • Add custom metadata as needed
  3. Execute:

    • Run tests on-demand or on a schedule
    • Trigger test runs as part of your CI/CD process
  4. Analyze:

    • Review test results in the Bugster Dashboard
    • Investigate failures and performance issues
    • Track trends over time
  5. Maintain:

    • Update tests based on application changes
    • Refactor tests for improved efficiency
    • Archive or delete obsolete tests
  6. Iterate: Continuously refine your test suite based on results and changing requirements

Advanced Test Management Features

Bugster SDK offers advanced features for test management through a centralized configuration file called bugster.json. This file allows you to define and manage various aspects of your test suite in a declarative manner.

Configuration File: bugster.json

The bugster.json file is the heart of your test management configuration. You can edit this file directly or through the Bugster Dashboard. Here’s an example structure:

  "version": "1.0",
  "testSuite": {
    "name": "E-commerce Application Test Suite",
    "description": "Comprehensive test suite for our e-commerce platform",
    "environments": { ... },
    "dataSets": { ... },
    "tests": [ ... ],
    "execution": { ... },
    "alerts": { ... },
    "integrations": { ... }

1. Environment Management

Define different environments for your tests:

"environments": {
  "staging": {
    "baseUrl": "",
    "apiKey": "staging-api-key"
  "production": {
    "baseUrl": "",
    "apiKey": "production-api-key"

To run a test in a specific environment, specify it in the test configuration or execution settings.

2. Data-Driven Testing

Create data sets for use across multiple tests:

"dataSets": {
  "login-credentials": [
    { "username": "", "password": "pass1" },
    { "username": "", "password": "pass2" }

Associate a data set with a test in the test configuration:

  "id": "login-flow",
  "name": "User Login Flow",
  "dataSet": "login-credentials"

3. Test Dependencies

Define dependencies between tests within the test configuration:

  "id": "checkout-flow",
  "name": "Checkout Process",
  "dependencies": ["login-flow", "add-to-cart"]

4. Flaky Test Detection

Enable flaky test detection for specific tests:

  "id": "login-flow",
  "name": "User Login Flow",
  "flakyDetection": {
    "enabled": true,
    "threshold": 0.2,
    "runCount": 10

5. Test Execution Configuration

Configure how tests are executed:

"execution": {
  "parallelTests": 4,
  "defaultEnvironment": "staging",
  "schedules": [
      "name": "Daily Smoke Test",
      "cron": "0 1 * * *",
      "tests": ["login-flow", "add-to-cart"],
      "environment": "staging"

6. Alerts and Monitoring

Set up alerts for your test suite:

"alerts": {
  "slack": {
    "webhook": "",
    "channel": "#test-alerts"
  "email": "",
  "conditions": [
      "type": "failureRate",
      "threshold": 0.1,
      "message": "Test failure rate exceeded 10%"
      "type": "executionTime",
      "threshold": 300,
      "message": "Test execution time exceeded 5 minutes"

7. Integrations

Configure integrations with external tools:

"integrations": {
  "jira": {
    "projectKey": "TEST",
    "issueType": "Bug"
  "github": {
    "repository": "company/e-commerce-app",
    "branchPattern": "feature/*"

Using the Configuration File

  1. Create or edit the bugster.json file in your project repository.
  2. Upload the file to the Bugster platform through the dashboard or API.
  3. Bugster will use this configuration to set up and manage your test suite.

By using this configuration-based approach, you can:

  • Version control your test management settings
  • Easily replicate test setups across projects
  • Manage complex test suites more efficiently

Remember to regularly review and update your bugster.json file to keep your test management strategy aligned with your project’s evolving needs.

Best Practices for Test Management

  1. Consistent Naming: Use clear, consistent naming conventions for tests and suites.

  2. Regular Review: Periodically review your test suite for relevance and efficiency.

  3. Prioritization: Focus on critical paths and high-impact areas of your application.

  4. Modular Design: Create modular, reusable components in your tests.

  5. Version Control Integration: Sync your Bugster tests with your application’s version control system.

  6. Documentation: Maintain up-to-date documentation for your test suite and processes.

  7. Team Collaboration: Use Bugster’s collaboration features to share insights and divide testing responsibilities.


Bugster SDK integrates with popular tools to enhance your test management workflow:

  • Jira: Link tests to Jira issues for traceability
  • Slack: Receive test run notifications in Slack
  • GitHub: Trigger test runs on pull requests
  • Jenkins: Incorporate Bugster tests in your Jenkins pipelines

Check our Integrations Guide for detailed setup instructions for each integration.

Monitoring and Alerts

Set up monitoring and alerts to stay informed about your test suite’s health:

  • Performance Alerts: Get notified when test execution time exceeds thresholds
  • Failure Alerts: Receive alerts for critical test failures
  • Coverage Alerts: Be informed when test coverage drops below defined levels


Effective test management is crucial for maintaining a healthy, efficient test suite. Bugster SDK provides comprehensive tools and features to streamline your test management process, from organization and execution to analysis and maintenance. By leveraging these capabilities, you can ensure that your automated tests continually add value to your development process.

Next Steps

Now that you understand the concepts of User Stories, Test Generation, and Test Management in Bugster SDK, you’re ready to dive deeper into practical implementation. Check out our Advanced Usage Guide to learn about more sophisticated testing strategies and optimizations.